Thursday, April 29, 2010

Know what this is?

This is garlic. Not just any garlic, but the most delicious, organic garlic I have ever tasted. This stuff is like GOLD in our house. Look how pretty it is. I can't wait until it's ready.

This is horse poop. Or rather, it WAS horse poop. After sitting for 2 years it has magically transformed into fertilizer. All that money I spend on supplements and premium hay? Makes premium fertilizer.

This is my dad, driving the tractor. We have a tractor now, which means that we are bonafide farmers. (Although the bonafide farmers may not agree with my list of qualifications).

All that to say, that garden season is starting. Soon, we'll have more fresh veggies than we know what to do with, but not soon enough.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring is here!

I feel like I can say it now without jinxing it. We can all crawl out of our wintery dens and take in some sun. No more snow, longer days, greener lawns. he garden is ready for seeding, and it's time to start ticking projects off the list one by one.

Unfortunately, Spring means wet. And wet and horse feet do not always go hand in hand. Constantine is one of those horses who's frogs like to become infected with thrush as soon as they become a little damp. We spent a good part of the winter healing the infection which took hold in the fall, and now... It's wet again.

This time, I'm NOT fooling around. Daily foot scrubs and Lysol soaks, and monthly CleanTrax soaks will be done until I am darn sure it's dry out there. He might hate me for it, but a mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do :)

Can you believe how big he's getting? Isn't he handsome?

Also, we got a tractor. A little Kubota with a scoop and a digger. (Those are the technical terms). I have some very unflattering pictures of myself digging out the garden with it last week, which I may or may not post at a later date :)